· The Government has recently announced that everyone over the age of 18 will soon be able to get a third or “booster” vaccination against Covid.
· And instead of having to wait 6 months between their second vaccine and their booster dose, people will only have to wait for 3 months (or 91 days).
· This is following advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) to increase protection ahead of any wave of infection and to help reduce the impact of the Omicron variant.
· Therefore, the NHS will offer vaccination in descending age groups, with priority given to the vaccination of older adults and those in a Covid-19 at-risk group first.
· In Doncaster we are getting ready to extend the booster vaccination to everyone over 18 in the next few weeks.
· It is a huge programme, but we are currently working out our delivery plans and will update you as soon as possible.
· The NHS will let you know when it’s your turn for your booster.
· Please do not call your GP surgery asking for a booster before you are eligible.
Happening now:
· Currently people aged 40+ are eligible for a booster vaccination.
· It is offered to those who have already had two doses. At the present time a booster is available no sooner than 6 months after a second dose.
· Eligible people, including those of all ages who are clinically vulnerable, are being called forward for their booster jabs by their GP surgeries.
· Bookings are also being taken through the National Booking Service (which is not run by Doncaster CCG) or by calling 119. If you choose to use these services instead of waiting for an invitation from your GP surgery, the available centres may be further away and may involve travel. Not all local sites in Doncaster can be accessed by this service.
· Some pharmacies commissioned directly by the national NHS are also contacting eligible people by text to invite them for their boosters.
Walk-in vaccination centres in Doncaster:
· We encourage everyone to get vaccinated against Covid-19
· Many people still haven’t had a first or second dose. Our walk-in clinics were set up primarily to offer first and second doses – an offer that remains on the table indefinitely.
· Many people choose to make a booking direct at our walk-in centres when they are invited by their practices, including many who are eligible for a booster.
· Our walk-in centres are currently at Lakeside Shopping Village and Rutland House. Details of walk-in times and dates can be found on the CCG website: Get vaccinated at one of our drop-in clinics – Doncaster CCG
· We welcome people who haven’t booked but, if you make the choice to ‘walk in’ without an appointment we stress: you must be eligible or you may be turned away; you must be prepared to wait as walk-ins are proving very popular and can get very busy; we may not have adequate supplies towards the end of a day and the clinic may close earlier than advertised as a result
· Staff at the walk-in centres will keep people informed how long they may have to wait
· We ask that people are patient and polite at our walk-ins. The staff there are working hard to deliver as many vaccines as possible, but they need to take comfort and refreshment breaks.
Our next Fast Facts update bulletin will be issued on Wednesday 8 December
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please send a message to donccg.communications@nhs.net and keep up to date by visiting Covid-19 Vaccination Programme – Doncaster CCG